Saturday, April 11, 2009

Heard during the Easter Triduum (my version)

Holy Thursday:

There was a man who really wanted to serve God. God told him to find three medium size rocks, put them in a wheelbarrow and take them to the top of the hill. The young man's heart rejoiced at the task. Finally he had been asked to do something for God.As he began his ascend to the top of the hill, people kept on asking him to carry some rocks for them. Soon the wheelbarrow was stock full of rocks. At first the young man was delighted to serve others but as the burden grew and the hill became steeper, his attitude changed. He found himself grumbling. Instead of joy, in his heart he found resentment. He brought his complains to God. He heard the Lord saying: "I only asked you to bring three medium size stones, where did you get all these other stuff?"

Jesus asks us to serve. As we strive to follow his command, we do well to keep our focus on who He has asked us to serve and how he has asked us to do it.

Easter Vigil:

At different times, our lives seem to unravel in front of our very eyes. Wounds, betrayals, sufferings conspire to throw us in the depth of despair. Darkness threatens to envelop us. In situations like this we remember that Christ is our light and the first step is to trust him in the darkness much like the man who finds himself in a dark tunnel. Terrified, he remembers to pray: "Lord send me a light so that I can see my way". The Lord, moved by his plight answers: " I don't have a light to give you but, I AM your light. Take my hand and I will lead you out". His first step out of the tunnel was to trust.

1 comment:

Willa said...

That story about the rocks seems to ring so true!

Hope you and your family are having a blessed Easter.